A family owned business for over 60 years we pride ourselves on supplying well fitting and well functioning footwear, footwear appliances, and alterations.
We opened in 1959 as a children’s shoe store that specialized in fit and structure. Over the years we’ve continue to grow our expertise. Beginning with children’s orthopedics evolving into adult orthopedics and orthotics.
You know the saying, “It ain’t like it used to be”. That applies perfectly to the shoe industry. All shoes, especially children’s, are not made anything like they used to be. The lack of structure and support create many foot pains that could have been avoided with a better made and fitted shoe. As the shoe industry has changed to softer shoes, we find ourselves servicing primarily adult clients.
Fortunately, we still provide and manufacture a myriad of arch supports and foot balancing products. Children and adults alike will often need the right balance to their feet and legs.
And we can provide that!
Our staff has the privilege of being part of the forerunners of Pedorthics, orthotics manufacturing, and the culmination of knowledge from 3 generations in shoe alteration, design, and fitting.
We welcome you to visit our store in Southampton, Pennsylvania where our tradition of excellence continues.